Weight information

We will only use two steps (two red lights) when it comes to the electronic weight adjustment system. Gokartcentralens staff have tested the system carefully and we conclude each lamp to equal 10kg. We will produce some led weights (8×2,5kg + 8x5kg) to compensate the system. Hence, every driver will Läs mer…

New Date for SRKC 2021

The Third Chance Is The Charm! We are looking forward to the second half of 2021 where it should be possible to race against the best rental kart drivers in Europe again. Together with Gokartcentralen in Kungälv we will host SRKC 2021 in the weekend of 10-12 December.

New karts!

Gokartcentralen in Kungälv have just purchased new karts, which will be used at SRKC 2021. It is an electric powered fleet of Sodi RSX with an electronical weight adjustment system. Looking forward to see you all pushing them to the limit.

First step to SRKC 2021

Today we can confirm that Gokartcentralen in Kungälv will be hosting the 7th edition of SRKC on February 5th-7th, 2021. Semifinalists and junior-finalists from SRKC 2020 will be prioritized until the start of June. Pre-registration for everyone else will open on June 5th. We are aiming for a 2-day event Läs mer…